Sketch artist in salem| If you are looking for a pencil sketch artist in salem, then you have reached the right place. is widely known for its high quality portraiture, affordable price and time bound work. However you can find many other sketch artists in salem, but if you are looking for a professional sketch artist than should be the perfect choice for you.
Our sketch artists are delivering happiness to the sketch lovers around the world for more than last 30 years. Based out at salemwe are shipping sketches all over the world. If you are also looking for Charcoal sketch artist, black pencil sketch artist or color pencil portrait artist in salem, then you can contact for 100% guaranteed work and time bound delivery.
Sketch Artist in salem
How works
Order- It is very easy to place an order at Most of our artists are very customer friendly and cheerful. The biggest advantage of ordering a sketch on is that you connect directly to the artist. All our sketch artist are open to talk over phone chat over WhatsApp. Our artists help the customer until the sketch is delivered. You can order online, at the same time you can order your sketch by sending your picture on WhatsApp by mail directly to our sketch artist
Payment method -. You have to pay 30% advance only to place an order at The rest of the payment is to be given only when the sketch is ready. Our sketch artists also share photos of the part work while making sketches so that you can know that your sketch is 100% handmade.
Correction– if you want to get any correction done, you can contact directly to the sketch artist through Whatsapp / phone or you can mail and ask the same. Our artist will work until you are completely satisfied. However in 99% of cases our customers do not register any complain about the work because our sketch artists in salemare highly professional. Ultimately your happiness and satisfaction means a lot to us
How much time it take to deliver a sketch anywhere within India
All work is done in a time bound manner; we take full care of delivery date we promise . On completion of the work we share a soft copy of the sketch on mail/whatsapp and seek your approval. Only after receiving approval, you will be requested to pay the remaining money. Then we will proceed to ship the pencil sketch to your address. Sketch artist in salemwould make your pencil portrait with high professionalism.
Our sketch artists in salemhave been making pencil sketch, charcoal sketch, color pencil sketches and oil portrait for the last 30 years. We have delivered thousand of sketch and portraits to our customers across the Globe.
Price of Pencil Sketch in salem.
There is no standard measurement to decide the price of pencil sketch, color pencil sketch or portrait. It depends on the quality and details of the work. Therefore, different artists have different prices. Many times you can bargain for a price with an artist. The price of a sketch depends on a lot of different factors such as how closely the sketch is worked on, material used in the sketch, such as the quality of the pencil and art sheet, the medium in which the sketch is being made, what size of the sketch you want, how long does the artist take to make the pencil sketch, the sketch will be shipped with the frame Or without frame etc.
Nevertheless the price of sketch artist in salemat is very reasonable. Our sketch artists deliver world-class quality as well. They also take 100% guarantee of their work and quality. For some reason you do not like the sketch, your 100% money will be refunded. Our sketch artists who work for us in salemsend their sketches around the world.
All the portrait artists of are highly experienced, so we guarantee to give you a high quality pencil portrait/sketch.
You can also check the price and size according to the medium of the sketch in the price section of the website. You can also get the price information by contacting our artist through phone, Whatsapp or mail
Where can I find a pencil sketch artist in salem
If you live in salemand looking for a sketch artist in salem, don’t worry but place your order directly to the . For this you just have to call /whatasapp or leave a mail. Our sketch artists in salemare always ready for your help.
How to order a sketch with
Ordering a pencil sketch, charcoal sketch, or color pencil sketch at is very easy. You can order your sketch by calling us directly or by messaging us on WhatsApp or by sending your picture through mail. If you want to get more information, you can contact our artist through phone or whatsapp. Sketch artists in salemare always open and happy to help.
How to get discount on offers discount many time. For discount, you can call or you can chat through WhatsApp and get information about the discount. Our sketch artists in salemwill help you and deliver you the masterpiece in best price.